When inserting long peripheral cards into the Apple II, vibration and its own weight can cause the cards to tilt if the expansion slots are old and loose. This could lead to a faulty connection.
 This product securely supports peripheral cards to prevent from tilting and can be used with the Apple II, Apple II Plus, and Apple II J-Plus.

長い拡張カードをApple IIに挿入する際、拡張スロットが古く緩んでいると、振動や自重でカードが傾いてしまうことがあります。これは接続不良の原因となります。
本製品は、Apple II、Apple II Plus、Apple II J-Plusで使用可能な拡張カードをしっかりと支え、傾きを防止します。

How to Install / 取り付け方法

Align the holes in the supporter with the motherboard standoffs on the motherboard.
Install the supporter so the plate with the product name comes on the right.
Be sure to align the peripheral cards with the groove on the supporter when inserting peripheral cards into the expansion slots.
Long peripheral cards could be securely fixed.
It could be used for all eight expansion slots.

Specifications / スペック

Product NamePeripheral cards Supporter II / II Plus
Compatible DevicesApple II, Apple II Plus, Apple II J-Plus
Size(W)250mm x (D)12.5mm x (H)18.5mm
WeightAbout 15g

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